Minister of Youth Development and National Service
Fellow Citizens,
Today I bring greetings from the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service, on the occasion of International Day of Cooperatives, 2022.
Each year, on the first Saturday of July, the Cooperative Movement spreads awareness on the work they are doing around the world.
This year, the Movement celebrates their 100th Anniversary of International Day of Co-operatives, under the Theme “Co-operatives Build A Better World”: a befitting Theme, as Cooperatives afford citizens opportunities to improve their lives while contributing to the economic, social and cultural advancement of their community and
by extension, their nation.
The unprecedented Covid-19 Pandemic has challenged us all in some way. It has also taught us to be innovative and resilient; and to collaborate, as together we can and have successfully achieved so much. This sense of community and camaraderie is exactly what Co-operatives thrive on.
Co-operatives function as people-centred enterprises, utilizing an ethical and sustainable approach to business, by considering not only the economic effects of their activities, but also the social, cultural and environmental impacts.
As Minister with responsibility for the Development of the Co-operative Sector, I congratulate the 320 registered Co-operatives in Trinidad and Tobago (TT), but more so, commend the Cooperative Development Division (CDD) under the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service (MYDNS), for displaying the
cooperative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. You have fully embraced the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others, which contribute towards building a better world, specifically, a better TT.
Today I encourage all citizens, particularly the youth, to learn more about the roles of Co-operatives and the CDD in building a better and more sustainable Trinidad and Tobago.
The MYDNS stands ready to suppport all Co-operatives to positively impact the lives of your members, as you Build a Better TT – ‘Build a Better World’.
Happy International Day of Cooperatives, 2022!