
Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme Application


MYDNS Launches Plumbing Programme – An Opportunity for Youth Productivity

“The solution to the things we are experiencing might involve some level of policing, but if we want to get to the root cause of the social problem we are experiencing in this country, we have to get the idle hands into the productive sector to contribute to the development of the country”. These were […]


Minister Cummings Shows Appreciation to 40 Under 40 Influencers

The Honourable Foster Cummings, Minister of Youth Development and National Service, hosted the principals, teachers, influencers and other stakeholders of the 40 Under 40 Programme, at an Appreciation Mixer on Tuesday July 02, 2024, at the Auditorium Restaurant and Lounge, Government Campus Plaza, Port of Spain. The 40 Under 40 Programme provides youth, 14-16 years who […]


MYDNS Launches 2024 TECH/VOC Training Programme With 300 Youth

The Honourable Foster Cummings, Minister of Youth Development and National Service was represented by Mr. Anthony Garcia, Advisor to the Minister at the Launch of the Youth Technical Vocational Training (YouTec) Programme on Tuesday 25th June 2024. The YouTec Vocational Training Programme is designed to provide young persons from the ages 18-35 years, with technical/vocational skills […]


Youth Agricultural Shade House Project


AMPLIFY Extended Deadline


South Quarter Finalists for Youth on Stage Perform for Appreciative Audiance at SAPA

South Trinidad came out to support the Quarter-Finalists of Youth on Stage – South Edition on Sunday 26th May, 2024. Twenty-Seven (27) youth came out to perform in a range of artforms including Song, Dance, Instrumental, Spoken Word and more. This Ministry of Youth Development and National Service initiative attracted hundreds of youth across the country […]


Youth on Stage Quarter-Finalists Thrill NAPA Audience

The Lord Kitchener Auditorium of the National Academy for the Performing Arts, Port of Spain came alive with youth talent on Saturday 25th May, 2024 as thirty-two (32) young people performed for the Quarter-Finals for Youth on Stage – National Youth Festival and Talent Search – North Edition. This Ministry of Youth Development and National Service […]


Youth Ministry Signs Service Level Agreements to Enhance Youth Aquaculture Programme

“This Service Level Agreement stands as a platform of progress, a blueprint of innovation, and a covenant of trust between the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the next generation”. These were the words of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service (MYDNS), Mr. Narine Charran at the Ceremony for […]


Youth Ministry Welcomes 80 New Caregivers to the GAPP

“Young persons I ask you to passionately give care to the elderly people you are entrusted with.” This was the request made by the National Service Coordinator at the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service (MYDNS), Mrs. Gachelle Gilkes-Edwards as she welcomed young and vibrant caregivers to the Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme (GAPP). Mrs. […]